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BETA Esperanto-English translation for: to convince of
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Dictionary Esperanto English: to convince of

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

konvinki iun/ion (pri iu/io)to convince sb./sth. (of sb./sth.)
Partial Matches
de {prep}of
anstataŭ {prep}instead of
memkompreneble {adv}of course
pro {prep}because of
el {prep}out of
Unverified tiasome kind of
Unverified ĉiaall kinds of
Unverified iasome kind of
Unverified neniano kind of
Unverified kiawhat kind of
gastr. manĝokarto {noun}bill of fare
filoz. jur. scien. jurfilozofio {noun}philosophy of law
muz. kvintociklo {noun}circle of fifths
Unverified farita demade of
orn. migrobirdo {noun}bird of passage
timito be afraid of
biol. ekol. Unverified specidiverseco {noun}diversity of species
lit. prof. romanverkisto {noun}writer of novels
lit. prof. romanverkisto {noun}author of novels
ling. fontlingvo {noun}language of origin
Unverified naturamanto {noun}lover of nature
antaŭ {prep}in front of
multa {adj}a lot of
malgraŭ {prep}in spite of
kelkaja couple of
horo {noun}time of day
vivnivelo {noun}level of living
gastr. Unverified ovoflavo {noun}yellow of the egg
familiano {noun}member of the family
ekol. mediprotekto {noun}protection of the environment
Unverified naturamantino {noun}lover of nature [female]
geogr. Oĥocka Maro {noun}Sea of Okhotsk
med. ftizo {noun}tuberculosis of the lung
mandorso {noun}back of the hand
Neniukaze!Out of the question!
modernega {adj}state-of-the-art
konsideri gravato consider of importance
malgraŭe {adv}in spite of that
pro ŝibecause of her
larmoj de ĝojo {noun}tears of joy
med. atako de astmo {noun}attack of asthma
geogr. Unverified tropiko de Kaprikorno {noun}Tropic of Capricorn
geogr. Unverified tropiko de Kankro {noun}Tropic of Cancer
meze de {prep}in the middle of
pelva fundo {noun}base of the pelvis
relig. scien. sociol. sociologio pri religio {noun}sociology of religion
hist. Vestfalia Paco {noun}Peace of Westphalia [1648]
filoz. mate. scien. filozofio de matematiko {noun}philosophy of mathematics
glaso da akvo {noun}a glass of water
centono de sekundo {noun}hundredth of a second
scii pri ioto be aware of sth.
filoz. relig. scien. filozofio de la religio {noun}philosophy of religion
bot. T
bot. T
lit. teatro F Unverified La Venecia KomercistoThe Merchant of Venice [Shakespeare]
geogr. Usono {sg}United States {pl} of America <USA> <.us>
biol. Unverified aglejo {noun}eyrie, aerie (nest of eagle or other raptor) [Am.]
lit. F Unverified Rakonto pri Du UrbojA Tale of Two Cities [Charles Dickens]
lit. F Unverified Reserĉe al la perdita tempoIn Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
lit. F Unverified La Morto de Ivan IljiĉThe Death of Ivan Ilyich [Leo Tolstoy]
anat. zool. Unverified maĉostomako {sg}gizzard, ventriculus (of some animals incl. birds and reptiles) [Am.] {sg}
lit. F La Portreto de Dorian GrayThe Picture of Dorian Gray [Oscar Wilde]
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